Rachel Bublitz


Four Days and $4,659 to Raise - Please Help @SFOlympians Out

Please give us your money!


As of 10:23am the San Francisco Olympians Festival still has $4,659 to go! I am confident that we’ll make it, but we need YOU! You may not believe me when I say that even a $1 pledge helps, but it does, the more donors we have the more momentum we’ll pick up, and right now momentum is what we need. And if you don’t have extra money to spare, I understand, but there are still ways that you can help us get there! Share our fundraiser on Facebook, on twitter! Use a bull horn if that’s all you got!

Need more reasons why we’re so special? Oh, I’ve got reasons… Here listen to what Annie Paladino – a writer in this year’s festival – has to say:

“The sheer volume of local artists involved. It’s absolutely staggering, and I’ve never encountered anything like it. Not only does it pull from an amazing pool of actors, directors, writers, and visual artists, but it’s also become this wonderful springboard for newcomers, or those looking to try on a new hat. There are always a lot of (very talented!) first-time actors, directors, and writers. This year, I’m one of them!”

And here we have Siyu Song, another writer in this year’s festival:

“They are willing to take a risk on new writers and ideas. The number of incredibly varied approaches and interpretations on a seemingly narrow topic this festival yields is unique.”

Sunil Patel, a writer from last year’s festival, says:

“SF Olympians is unlike most theater festivals because its submissions are pitch-based: you don’t have to write an entire script to be accepted. You don’t have to have ever written a script. All you need is an idea and the determination to realize it. Once you’re in, you’re in, and you’re part of a supportive community of writers who know they will see their work produced, and that promise is incredibly freeing and motivating. Last year I wrote my most personal work yet, one of the best things I’ve ever written, and it would not exist had Stuart not given me the opportunity. There are dozens, dozens of works of art that exist now solely because of SF Olympians, and that’s amazing.”

And we’re not just writers, here’s Jan Carty Marsh, who’s acted in each year of the festival since it started in 2010:

“What I love best about the Olympians Festival is having been cast as an audience member in all of the other shows. It is my favorite role. I arrive at my leisure, bring flowers, pay my $10, take my seat, and then laugh, cry and shake my head in amazement at the tremendous talent that Stuart Bousel has brought together yet again. Does it get any better than this?”

Thanks for reading, I hope I’ve moved you to donate! If you want to read more interviews with the artists, and find out who their favorite Greek God is, visit the SF Olympians’ facebook page.

And to give us your money, go here:


Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!