Exciting news! My play Reading Babar in 2070 was selected for PlayGround’s Planet Earth New Play Festival! That means this Monday (October 20th) you, yes you(!), can see it along with five other brand new plays. Isn’t it nice to have plans already for those dull Monday nights?
Here’s the full line up:
The Announcement by William Bivins, directed by Rebecca Ennals
Reading Babar in 2070 by Rachel Bublitz, directed by Michael French
Preapocalyptica by Erin Panttaja, directed by Delia MacDougall
The Bake Sale by Mandy Hodge Rizvi, directed by Jennifer King
The Android and the Bishop by Kirk Shimano, directed by Jeffrey Lo
The Universe on Ice by Maury Zeff, directed by Jim Kleinmann
The show will start at 8pm, and it all happens in Berkeley at the Berkeley Rep!
There will be an encore performance of these plays down at Stanford on the following day, Tuesday October 21st (more details soon!), but be sure to keep your eyes out for that too!
Here’s the facebook event page so you can RSVP and get all your questions answered: https://www.facebook.com/events/562943900471908/
See you there!