Rachel Bublitz


My Next Play for 2017

Still not quite ready for the big-big news (check back tomorrow for that), but since NO MAP has a draft out it’s time for me to start working on my next full length play for the year. And for that I’m going to be bothering some of you. My next full length is a yet-to-be-titled play about guys and friendship and male body image. I have yet to write a full length with only male characters, and so I expect this to be quite the exciting/terrifying challenge, which brings me to you… I have questions, research for the upcoming play, and I need your answers. You as in the dudes who read this. If you are a dude or a bro or a guy or all of the above, expect to hear from me. I’m planning on taking folks out for coffee and asking them questions, or bothering you over the phone, or as a last resort over email or possibly through an online survey if I can figure that out. Anyway, you should expect me and my (probably) painless questions. AND if you don’t hear from me but want in on this super fun interview/research stuff, email me, I’d love to hear from you: Rnbublitz@gmail.com