Rachel Bublitz


Binge Day 11

I have submitted TWENTY FOUR scripts so far. That means I only have SIX more to go to complete this month’s playwrightbinge. Completion is so close, I can almost taste it…

T. Schreiber Studio seeks full length plays for their New Works Project. Send them a treatment of your play, five pages of sample dialogue, your bio, and your resume. I sent them information and a sample of Under The Gods’ Golden Cleats, and this was submission #14. Deadline for phase one is 12/1/13.

Number 15 was my ten-minute play Mother Of The Year, I sent it over to Sticky in New York City. They want ten-minute plays that take place in a bar. Deadline is 11/1/13.

My 16th submission was to my school (San Francisco State University). I handed over Under The Gods’ Golden Cleats to be considered for the Jim Highsmith Playwriting Award. The play can be of any length and on a theme of Gay or Lesbian experience. You must be a student to submit for this one and the deadline is 9/23/13.

Also at my school, I submitted Rainbow The Clown, Bears At Midnight, and Self Defense to the SFSU Lit Magazine Transfer. This you must also be a student for. If you’re keeping count that took care of submissions 17, 18, and 19.

For my 20th submission I sent Libra Theater Company The Fantasy Club. They’re looking for full-length plays with four characters, that can all be played by 20-somethings. Bonus if your play could have original music or songs built into it. The deadline on this is 9/30/13.

Finally, I sent four plays over to Smith & Kraus for publication: They Fantasy Club, Nap Time, Good-Good Meal, and Baby Shower Games. They want plays that have been produced between May 1, 2013 – April 30, 2014. Email those to Lawrence Harbison.

So that brings me up to 24! Lots of more fun places to send things to, stay tuned for more submission opportunities!

Also, if you’re reading this on facebook, click through to get all of the links!

TWO More Reviews for BABIES the ULTIMATE BIRTH CONTROL at the SF Fringe Festival

We have two more reviews for BABIES, The Ultimate Birth Control, woo!

Sam writes: “Delightful vignettes! Great timing on the part of all the performers and overall a fun show!”

And from Carol Lashof: ““Terrifyingly hilarious” as advertised. Terrifying, at any rate for those contemplating parenthood or who have young children. For empty-nesters and non-parents, just plain wickedly funny.”

Only THREE shows left:

SATURDAY September 14 9:00 PM

SUNDAY September 15 1:00 PM

TUESDAY September 17 9:00 PM

Buy tickets here: http://www.brownpapertickets.com/event/390070

Still a Few Spots Left for the SF Olympians Festival IV Auditions

The San Francisco Olympians Festival IV: Trojan Requiem has only a few spots left for their auditions coming up on 9/29 and 9/30. There are 36, yes 36, brand new plays getting staged readings at the Exit this November, and we need your acting talent. My script, Under The Gods’ Golden Cleats has eighteen characters, can you believe that? Even with double casting, it’s a bit of a beast, and there are a number of large cast plays too. Actually, there’s a really great mix of large and small casts. I know last year it was great to see all the different directions that people took the plays in, and I know that this year will be just as exciting for the same reason!

Here’s all the info you need from the SF Olympians Festival Audition Facebook Event:

The San Francisco Olympians Festival is returning and will need dozens of actors for its 2013 festival which plays the middle three weeks of November!

In the month of November in 2013, No Nude Men Productions, one of San Francisco’s longest running indy theater troupes, will roll out 36 new plays written by 30 local writers, each one focusing on an element of the Trojan War mythos.

Each of these 36 plays will receive a dramatic reading at the Exit Theater, and for that we’ll need actors, so if you’re the kind of person who can act AND read (no, it’s not a given), we’d love to have you join us in what promises to be even a bigger success than last year’s festival!

Rehearsals will all be in October and November, and will involve 3-5 MAX for each show. The show schedule is as follows, with all shows happening on the mainstage of the Exit Theater, at 8 PM :

November 6: Greeks Bearing Gifts

AJAX MAJOR or “Punchy” by Charles Lewis III, directed by James Nelson

AJAX MINOR by Barbara Jwanouskos, directed by James Nelson

NESTOR by Robert Estes, directed by James Nelson

DIOMEDES by Joel Street, directed by Charles Lewis III

TEUCER by Marissa Skudlarek, directed by Charles Lewis III

PATROCLUS by Daniel Hirsch, directed by James Nelson

THERSITES or “Atreus Tonight” by Daniel Hirsch, directed by Charles Lewis III

NEOPTOLEMUS by Barbara Jwanouskos, directed by Charles Lewis III

November 7: The Brothers (Part One)

MENELAUS by Annette Roman, directed by Elizabeth Vega

AGAMEMNON or “The House of Atreus Vol 3” by Anthony R. Miller, directed by Tunuviel Luv

November 8: The Brains

ODYSSEUS or “Meg Cohen’s Totally Epic Odyssey” by Megan Cohen, directed via crowdsourcing

November 9: The Brawn

ACHILLES or “Under the Gods’ Golden Cleats” by Rachel Bublitz, directed by Claire Rice

November 13: Trojan Women

BRISEIS or “A Goddess in Her Grief” by Carol Lashof, directed by Elizabeth Vega

HECUBA by Patsy Fergusson, directed by Jacqueline Peters

LAODIKE by Marissa Skudlarek, directed by Jacqueline Peters

ANDROMACHE or “The Whole of a Woman” by Sarah McKereghan, directed by Elizabeth Vega

POLYXENA by Peter Hsieh, directed by Elizabeth Vega

CRUESA or “Dead & Lovely” by Tonya Narvaez, directed by Jacqueline Peters

OENONE by Ashley Cowan, directed by Jacqueline Peters

CHRYSEIS or “The Girl With Sparkling Eyes” by Carol Lashof, directed by Elizabeth Vega

November 14: The Brothers (Part Two)

PARIS or “The Judgement of Paris Is Burning” by Kirk Shimano, directed by Katja Rivera

HECTOR or “Prince of the City” by Bridgette Dutta Portman, directed by Katja Rivera

November 15: The Seer

CASSANDRA by Claire Rice, directed by Claire Rice

November 16: The Survivor

AENEAS or “Burden of the Witless” by Colin Johnson, directed by Colin Johnson

November 20: The Tools

GOLDEN APPLES I or “Kalisti” by Helen Noakes, directed by Robert Estes

THE SHIELD- Meg O’Connor, directed by Charles Lewis III

THE HELMET- Meg O’Connor, directed by Robert Estes

THE SPEAR- Neil Higgins, directed by Robert Estes

THE SWORD- Tracy Held Potter, directed by Robert Estes

THE SHIPS or “Alexis, the Bronze Age Warship” by Tracy Held Potter, directed by Charles Lewis III

THE BOW by Sunil Patel, directed by Charles Lewis III

GOLDEN APPLES II by Allison Page, directed by Charles Lewis III

November 21: The Battlefield

THE WALLS by Madeline Puccioni, directed by Jonathan Carpenter

THE PLAINS by Jeremy Cole, directed by Jonathan Carpenter

November 22: The Problem

HELEN or “Ellen’s Undone” by Sam Hurwitt, directed by Mina Morita

November 23: The Solution

THE HORSE or “See Also All” by Stuart Bousel, directed by Ariel Craft

Auditions are September 29, 2 PM to 9 PM, and September 30, 7-10 PM, at the Exit. Please e-mail sfolympians@gmail.com to schedule an audition slot.

Auditions will consist of reading aloud passages of text we choose ahead of time. Please bring a headshot and resume. Leave yourself at least half an hour to get through the audition process.

There is a small stipend, determined by attendance each night of the festival (i.e. you get a percentage of the box office).

If scheduling permits (and you’re interested), all actors will be considered for multiple plays.

For more information about the festival and the individual plays and authors, check out www.sfolympians.com.

Please pass this on to any actors you may know!

Sorry, but we can not use AEA performers for this event.

Hope you make it out!! I will be at both of the auditions!

Binge Day Nine

It’s playwrightbinge day 9! I’ve made 13 submissions so far (trying to finish early, that’s kind of my thing). Anyway, my next submissions were all for one spot!

Independents Play(w)rights publish new plays! They have a ten-minute play contest going on right now. You can submit one play for each of their categories. And those categories are….

  • The Female Anti-Hero
  • Refurbished Fairy Tales
  • Deadly Comedies
  • The Empty Space
  • A Night at the Opera
  • The Not so Distant Future…
  • A Question of Life and Death
  • Dear Reader

Winning playwrights will be paid $75, and their plays will be published in an anthology. Please visit the contest page for all the details: http://independentplaywrights.com/pages/ten-minute-play-contest.

I sent in Baby Pie, My Body, Horny Like The Wolf, My Night With A Hooker, Good-Good Meal, and Nap Time.

Only 17 more submissions to go!

Recommended Show: The SHAKESPEARE BUG From Killing My Lobster

On Saturday after I was delighted with the opening performance of my fringe show (BABIES, The Ultimate Birth Control), I headed over to Stage Werx for Killing My Lobster’s The Shakespeare Bug by Ken Slattery. What a hilarious show! The script is funny and clever, the cast was incredibly talented, and the effects were impressive too. Thumbs up all around!

The show is running through September 29th, you should get your tickets and see it! Buy your tickets here: http://www.brownpapertickets.com/event/393914.


BABIES, The Ultimate Birth Control killed on Saturday! It was so funny, and just great all around. The actors were all fabulous, and our director really brought all the pieces together in an interesting and funny way… Not that I’m biased or anything. You should come and see it, and you only have THREE chances left. Then it will only be a happy memory in those lucky people’s minds who made it out. Here are the remaining three show dates and times:

SATURDAY September 14 9:00 PM

SUNDAY September 15 1:00 PM

TUESDAY September 17 9:00 PM

Buy tickets here: http://www.brownpapertickets.com/event/390070

Oh, and hey! SF Fringe has a review page for all of the shows, and we’ve gotten two reviews! So, if you needed more reasons to come out:

David writes, “I could not stop laughing during this show! I am not a parent, and all the humor and ridiculousness of it all still was true and real to me. A bunch of short plays about different parent’s nightmares? Adults playing babies? What really could be better?”

NLC says, “A brisk and amusing collection of skits and short plays about parenthood, especially its crazy-making aspects. Some scenarios felt more strained than others, but the hour zips by–the ensemble is talented and energetic. Highlight: A very funny turn by a tyrannical-baby-played-by-a-grown-man.”

Click this link: http://www.theexit.org/reviews/babies/#comment-1706 to see the reviews for yourself and to add your own!

I hope to see you there! I will be at the Sunday show with a surprise guest! If you did make it out to the show on Saturday, be sure and leave us a review on the fringe page. It helps us get mroe butts in seats.


Mix Tapes Volume One Extended! Now Running 9/13, 9/14, 9/20, and 9/21!

San Jose Rep’s Emerging Artist Lab or SJReal for short, loves the [Mix Tape Volume One] show so much, they’re giving up another weekend! That means that you have four possible times to see the show. We’re also expanding the songs, so that they aren’t all just from Janis Joplin. Come and see new translations of some great songs!

To remind you how amazing this show will be, let me remind of the other writers involved: Peter Hsieh, Amber Sommerfeld, Megan Cohen, and Jeremy Cole! Peter Hsieh will be directing, and we have Morgan Voellger, James Allan, James Der, Emily Brouwer, Stephanie Whigham, and Lee Robin Salazar as our acting talent. Woo!

The show now runs 9/13, 9/14, 9/20, and 9/21, and it’ll start after the main show is over, roughly 10:15pm. This is a very exciting project, and you will not want to miss it.

Hope to see you there!

BABIES the ULTIMATE BIRTH CONTROL Today at 4pm at the SF Fringe Festival

Today, today at FOUR pm you can see the show we’ve all been waiting for…. BABIES, The Ultimate Birth Control! I will be there early so watch the great show and see all of your fabulous faces. Here’s some things you should know:

  1. There is not late seating, so show up early!
  2. Fringe shows fill up, so show up early AND buy tickets in advance!
  3. The show is hilarious, and you shouldn’t miss it!

Today the show is at 4pm, here are the remaining show times:

SATURDAY September 14 9:00 PM

SUNDAY September 15 1:00 PM

TUESDAY September 17 9:00 PM

Here’s the ticket link one more time: http://www.brownpapertickets.com/event/390070

See you at fringe!!

Binge Day 6, 7 Plays Submitted!

It’s September, which means playwrightbinge! That means along with a ton of other playwrights, I’m submitting 30 plays this month!… Or at least hoping to submit that much. It’s a nice project to do after 31 Plays in 31 Days because you have to rework all your new stuff and get it out there in the world. It is day six in the binge, and I’m up to seven plays! Woo! Hope I can keep it up.

Anyway, without further audieu, here’s where I sent my plays, hope you find some use in the info (as in, send your plays there too!):

New Georges is always looking for new women playwrights to work with. If you want to get involved mail them a copy of a full length play! I sent in Under The Gods’ Golden Cleats.

I also sent Under The Gods’ Golden Cleats to Playwrights Horizon. They look for full-length script on an on-going basis.

Acme Theater seeks 10-minute plays! I sent in Baby Shower Games, because previous productions are just fine with them, although they don’t want the scripts to have been published. The material you send them can be comedy or drama, without strong language. The deadline is coming up quickly on this opportunity, you have until September 8, 2013.

I sent two scripts into Milwaukee Rep; Peeper, and Horny Like The Wolf. They’re seeking scripts between 30 seconds and 20 minutes, have 1 – 12 actors, and allow for a multi-ethnic cast with age ranges from 22 and 35. Deadline is September 16, 2013, and you can send in as many scripts that fit the bill.

I also sent Baby Shower Games to the Lakeshore Player’s playwright contest. They want 10 minute scripts with 5 or less characters. Deadline is November 15, 2013.

And finally I sent Under The Gods’ Golden Cleats to the PlayPenn Conference, which will take play next summer. That deadline is September 30, 2013.

Got all that? Good! I’m up to 7, only 23 more to go!

First Draft of a New Play!

Nothing like the scent of a brand new play in the air, don’t you agree?

I have a first draft of something brand new! It’s a 37 page one act that I’m calling (for now that is) You’ll Survive Me. It’s about mothers and daughters, abuse, and the different forms that it comes in. And other things too, probably. I’m very excited to be working on this play all semester with my Directed Writing class. I basically get free dramaturgy all semester long with one of the teachers! Woo!

More to come as this comes together!