Rachel Bublitz


I Am Not a Poet

I am not a poet. But in my Craft of Translation class, we mostly translate poetry. This is extremely difficult for me, but I kinda love challenges, so I’m sticking to it. Today I translated a poem and for the first time I don’t hate what I came up with! I thought I’d share it with everyone…

Okay, so I translated a Chinese poem called “Villa At The Foot Of Mount Chungnan” by Wang Wei, and I have no idea if my version is remotely accurate, in fact I’m pretty sure it isn’t… But I like it, so there.

To Never Return

Hearing Buddha, I searched for love in the middle

But now in my south hill home the years are late

Impulses come and come, but die quickly

Nature tries to surprise me, but no success

I walk to the spot where water ends

Clouds rise and pass like time. I sit.

There are times I see passed friends in the woods

I wish to talk, laugh, and never return

Do you write end of poem like you do at the end of a play? Somehow I don’t think so… Anyway, that’s it! If you’re wondering what I translated it from (because you know I don’t speak or read Chinese), we have this helpful text book that has literal translations of poems. Here is the literal, word-for-word translation:

Villa At The Foot Of Mount Chungnan

middle year/s quite love Buddhist-Way

late-years make-home South Hill side

impulse come often alone go

fine (i.e., natural scenes) turn-of-things in-vain self know

walk to water end (or source) place

sit see cloud/s rise time

occasionally meet woods old-man

talk laugh no return time

What I really dig about this class is that the teacher (Paul Hoover), is fine with you being wrong in your translation, as long as you feel strongly about your finished piece.


Anyway, what do you think?

BABIES the ULTIMATE BIRTH CONTROL Opens in the SF Fringe Fest on 9/7!

Babies, The Ultimate Birth Control in the SF Fringe will have it’s first performance this Saturday at 4pm! Buy your tickets soon, because you wouldn’t want to miss this laugh-out-loud hour that will scare you out of ever having kids of your own.

Here are all the dates and performances:

SATURDAY September 7 4:00 PM

SATURDAY September 14 9:00 PM

SUNDAY September 15 1:00 PM

TUESDAY September 17 9:00 PM

Tickets: http://www.brownpapertickets.com/event/390070

I will be at all of the performances, I hope to see you there!

BONNIE & CLYDE at Shotgun

On Friday night I was lucky enough to see Shotgun PlayersBonnie & Clyde. Now I’ve had a pretty serious theater crush on Shotgun for a while now, and Friday night did not help it out. I’m not sure I can recommend the show enough to you. It was fantastic, it was beautiful, it was heart-breaking, and all of the people should go and see it.

Joe Estlack (Clyde Barrow), and Megan Trout (Bonnie Parker) command the space, and I feel like all of the design elements (set, lights, sound, costumes) do as well. Shotgun Players did the play and the playwright, Adam Peck, proud. Well done Mark Jackson and all the folks at Shotgun who made it happen.

So go and buy tickets, and enjoy yourselves!

MFA All the Way: Week One Round-Up

First week of grad school is under my belt, woo! I thought it was going to be hard, and so far I have not been disappointed. For homework, I have over 150 pages to read by next week, 3 plays to write, 2 poems to translate (one is in a language that I don’t speak, and they’re POEMS), and the rest of my life to coordinate.

I’ve gotten through half of my reading, and started drafts of two of the plays. For this week we’re turning in 3 one-minute plays for my Workshop in Short Play class. One could be in the style we feel most comfortable, but the other two should be different. We were told to push the boundaries. So, I’ve been doing just that. I wrote my first one (only took me THREE hours (I know, on just a one-minute play!)), and it’s without a doubt the creepiest play I’ve ever written. And yes, I will share it with you now! I’ll post all of my plays pre-class, and then again after I’ve gotten feedback on them. So here it is:

Peeper, a one-minute play by Rachel Bublitz

It is very quiet. TOM is on stage, HE has a pair of binoculars and looks out with them on one specific spot.


I like to imagine what her name is.

I have narrowed it down to 84 possibilities, and I am certain that it is one of them.

Some nights I call them out to her.


I do not yell. I would never yell at her.


When you watch someone as long as I have watched her you learn things about them. For example, I know that her name cannot be Jackie. I know this.


No, not Deborah. That makes for 83.

83 possibilities.


TOM moves closer to the spot he is watching. TOM’s breathing becomes audible and quick. TOM speaks quickly.


There goes her blouse.

Tonight the bra she wears is black.

She did not shave under her arms this morning.

Pause. TOM’s speech and breath return to normal.


Now her light is off.

TOM lowers his binoculars.


Sweet dreams. April?…


Chilling, right? Check back after next week to see the next draft. OH! And I’ll be posting another one of my plays tomorrow, so watch for that as well!

MFA All the Way: Waiting for Class Two!

Today is a new day! I got some rest, went for a run, and I am ready to jump back through all the childcare hoops and make it to class! Tonight I have my Workshop in Short Plays class, and I’m hoping there will be no poetry writing involved.

This morning I dropped off my oldest at kindergarten for the first time, she was so excited she was dressed and ready for school two hours before it started. And as soon as we walked in the classroom she said, “Okay mom, you can go now.” So I left. I put dinner in the slow cooker, took care of my errands, and had time for thinking… I’m 90% sure that for my translation project I’m going to translate the stories in Rudyard Kipling’s “Just So Stories” into a series of short children’s plays. And I find this very exciting.

I’m off to go pick up my daughter, and will post about tonight’s class tomorrow.

Have a good Wednesday!

MFA Starts Now: First Class!

Holy crap. I mean, really…. Holy crap. Today I had my first class… And I might have felt every emotion that one can possibly feel….

Woke up early, knot in my stomach. Got the kids up, dressed, and fed. I tried to eat, but that knot in my stomach made it hard. Dropped off my little boy, Jonah, off at pre-school, then ran errands with my little girl, Audrey, until late morning. My neighbor graciously stepped in to watch her while I had class today (kindergarten doesn’t start until tomorrow and my babysitter forgot and had made other plans). Right before I took off for class, I checked my student email (for some reason they won’t let me forward that to my normal email, so I never get information when I should), and hey, there was an email from my craft of translation class. I check it…. An essay to read… Groovy. I started to read it and I realize that the class isn’t the type of translation I’m thinking.

I thought it meant translating one type of literature and translating into another… Not from one language to the other. And reading the essay it quickly became clear that was what the class was about. CRAP! I drop off Audrey, and race to school, hoping to meet the teacher before class and find out what the deal was. My stomach went into a tighter knot… I started to worry that all of my careful planning for childcare was going to be for nothing, AND that I was going to end up with a class I wasn’t as interested in. CRAP!

On the ride there, I sat in traffic. Traffic that made me nervous about being able to find parking and have time to check in about the class… But it was fine! Elation! I found a parking spot! Even more joy! I had plenty of time to do all the things. Yes!

First stop at school was the creative writing office. I missed orientation yesterday (because of my lame babysitter) and they had a packet for me to pick up. I asked them about the class and was told no second language required. English to english was just fine. Finally the knot in my stomach had loosened enough for me to be hungry, I had a little snack (the knot wasn’t as tight, but it was still there!) and headed for class…

Class. The craft of translation…. Guess what? It’s taught by a poet, and filled with poets! We’re mostly translating poetry! I was expected to write a poem today AND THEN READ IT OUT LOUD. The knot came back with a vengeance. I know squat diddly about writing poetry. And while knowing another language wasn’t a requirement, I was one of the few students who only spoke English. Most spoke two or three languages, one woman spoke FIVE. But I got through all of it, and while we talked about theories surrounding translation, I started to feel less lost. I even made an smarty-pants statement when we started discussing the essay that had sent me running for the hill earlier that day, and the teacher said that I was right on the money.

I was feeling pretty good after class. I even spent a moment looking through the packet I’d gotten from the creative writing office. There was a flier for school writing competitions, and one of them is just for playwrights, and the theme is pretty perfect for Under The Gods’ Golden Cleats, so I’ll be entering that very soon (there are cash prizes!). Hooray for cash prizes!

So yeah, by this time I was feeling great. Got into the car and I had 1.5 hours before I had to pick up Jonah from preschool. Awesomesauce. I might even have time to start in on that reading assignment, I thought. I was jazzed, excited, turned on Tom Petty and hit the road. That’s when the hunger came in… Followed by hunger pains. That’s what I get for not eating. I thought I’d eat when I got home. Then I got on the 101 N from the 280. Traffic. Not like before traffic. Worse traffic. Terrible traffic. SO much traffic that I thought I wouldn’t get my kid in time. The knot returned, tighter than ever, and with it the hunger pains. It took me nearly the entire 1.5 hours to get from SFSU to my kid’s preschool in Berkeley.

So I raced at an excruciatingly slow pace to Berkeley, got the boy with 10 minutes to spare, drove home, collected the girl just in time for the second big event of the day… Audrey’s school was hosting a dinner for incoming kindergarten families…. And it was starting… NOW!

Put my bag down, make everyone use the potty and we march/ride bikes to the school. Husband was working late, so I was flying solo, and normally this is fine. Not tonight. The school is packed with people. And my kids are very energetic. Very. Audrey is old enough to use her energy for good most of the time, but Jonah is still a little devil, and he loves nothing more than running away from me and finding water to thrash in. Every time I turned around, he was gone and nearly every time he escaped he was playing in this disgusting 6 inch pond they had at the school (why do they have a POND?). He thought he was hilarious. Meanwhile, I am starving, and Audrey wants me to meet EVERYONE. All the people. All the kids, all the teachers, all the parents. All of them right now. So that’s happening, while I’m being handed bags upon bags of things. Apparently at Berkeley they give you all of your school supplies (backpack, pens, crayons, paper, all of it), awesome right? Most of the time, yes, but tonight I needed both hands to be on the boy so that he wouldn’t drown himself or another child in the filthy pond.

I spent an hour there, that was all I could do. Jonah tried to get in all the places he wasn’t allowed, no one got to eat, and my head was close to exploding. By the way, Jonah was not the only younger sibling there. It seemed like all of the other young children just sat docile in their parent’s lap listening to all the important information being given out, that I didn’t have time to sit down and listen to. I managed to catch only a tidbit and of course it was enough to make me start crying. Like I said, all of the emotions. Thankfully, I was wearing sunglasses.

We left. Jonah came home and ate 6 pluots (apricot and plum hybrids), Audrey fought me on a bath until finally she caved. It is now nearly 8pm… Both kids are sleeping (I hope) and I don’t know if I feel relived knowing the worst of it is over, or scared because this has all only just begun. I will say that I did love my class, even though I had to write a poem and will probably have to write more poems. School is cool, and even though it’s hard doing it with the kids, I know that I am very lucky.

Tomorrow I have more school, and with the bridge being closed, I won’t have to worry about traffic (hooray?)… MFA WOO!

School Starts Tomorrow!

Tomorrow is the FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL! I have my craft of translation class in the early afternoon. I am very excited about being back in school, and also nervous about if the chid care that I’ve set up for my kids will work. Time will only tell…

Also exciting, Audrey starts kindergarten on Wednesday! This September, my schedule is loaded with awesome theater, back-to-school fun for Audrey, and my graduate classes. Right now parking and child care are the things keeping me up at night… Oh, also the fact that if I stay on track and finish my degree on time, Jonah (my son) will be finishing his first year of kindergarten when I finish up my degree. I hope I make it.

In other fun news, I’ve been working hard perfecting my proposals for next year’s SF Olympians Festival. The theme this year is Monsters, and if you haven’t already, you should start researching what you’ll be proposing to write. There are some really fun topics, and I couldn’t speak more highly about being involved with this festival. You meet some very exciting artists all working to put together a very special theater event. So check out the topics (listed on their website, sfolympians.com) and get your stuff together. You have until September 30th.

That’s all for now! I’ll report back tomorrow on how my first class goes!

It’s Almost September, Should I Binge?

In case you don’t know, I’m talking about playwrightbinge, not binge eating donuts or anything… Although right now, that sounds fantastic.

No, what I’m wondering if I should try and submit 30 scripts next month. It’s an bi-annual challenge, like 31 Plays in 31 Days, except it pushes folks to submit a play for each day. I did it last September, and I did it last March… And I got some productions, readings, and one publication from pushing myself to submit so much… And that’s good. BUT, I am exhausted, and I’m about to start grad school. I’m not sure putting more stuff out there is the best idea for me right now, but maybe not pushing myself is also a bad idea….

In the end I’m pretty sure I’ll just suck it up and get the plays out. BUT, a vacation sounds pretty sweet right now, I’m not going to lie. I suppose I’ll rest sometime next year…

Anyway, playwrightbinge starts September 1st, if you’re a playwright looking for a new challenge once 31 Plays in 31 Days is done, you should seriously think about taking part.

Upcoming Shows

So much awesome theater going on in the Bay Area, September is packed with it! Here are the shows that I’m most excited about:

Shotgun PlayersBONNIE AND CLYDE, playing now – September 29th

Written by Adam Peck

Directed by Mark Jackson

“Over one feverish night in an unnamed southern town, a mythic couple comes to terms with their own mortality. With humor, desperation and tenderness, these icons are made human again, resolving their issues and getting their affairs in order. This potent blend of romance and violence echoes the power of the ancient Greeks. Based on a true story.”

I am a sucker for Shotgun Players. They do exciting, beautiful work. Plus Megan Trout is in it, and I think she’s always fun to watch.

Killing My Lobster and PlayGround’s THE SHAKESPEARE BUG, playing September 6th – 29th

Written by Ken Slattery

Directed by M. Graham Smith

“Something’s rotten in the city of San Francisco. A modern-day Hamlet is forced to play out the story of his namesake when his eccentric family contracts a mysterious illness on Opening Night. Thrust into a world where actions are amplified to Shakespearean proportions, Hamlet finds himself caught in a revolving door of tragedy and comedy. He is forced to answer the question: If all the world’s a stage, how does he know what role to play?”

All Terrain Theater’s BABIES, THE ULTIMATE BIRTH CONTROL; TERRIFYINGLY HILARIOUS PLAYS ABOUT PARENTING at the SF Fringe Festival, playing September 7th (4pm), 14th (9pm), 15th (1pm), and 17th (9pm)

Oh yeah! My next show is coming up…

Written by Tracy Held Potter and Rachel Bublitz

Directed by Elena Wright


Alysha English, Matt Gunnison, Heather Kellogg, and Anna Smith.

“Worried your partner is coming down with baby fever? We’ll put a stop to that! Join us for tales from the sleepless side by harried moms Tracy Held Potter and Rachel Bublitz. You’ll gurgle, you’ll cry, and you’ll pee in your pants laughing. Bring your partner for better results.”

Also in the SF Fringe Festival: SINGULARITEEN, playing September 7th (10:30pm), 8th (2:30pm), 14th (2:30pm), 20th (9pm)

A new play by Patrick M Brennan

Directed by Hester Schell

“This year, spend the apocalypse at home, with the family.”

SJ Real’s JANIS JOPLIN MIX TAPE, playing September 14th and 15th

A thirty minute after-hours show featuring local writers interpreting Janis Joplin songs! And I’m one of the writers.

Roughly 10:15pm at San Jose Rep!

The other writers on the project are: Peter Hsieh, Amber Sommerfeld, Megan Cohen, and Jeremy Cole!

Masquers Playhouse’s THE LIEUTENANT OF INISHMORE, playing now until September 28th

BY Martin McDonagh


“An Irish revolutionary’s fuse is lit by the sudden death of his beloved pet. This brutal and bloody, shocking and horrifying, and ultimately hysterical comedy by bad-boy McDonagh—perhaps today’s most exciting writer—is a commentary on the violence of our world. You’ll hate it. Until you love it!”

BOA (Bay One Acts) Festival, playing September 14th – October 5th

13 different theater companies, 13 new plays, and 2 programs. Be sure not to miss any of BOA 13!


Custom Made Theatre Co.

Modernizing the Afterlife by Tracy Held Potter, directed by Katja Rivera

Do it Live!

The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock, based on the poem by T.S. Eliot, devised and directed by Allison Combs


Desiree by Sam Leichter, directed by Rob Ready

The San Francisco Shakespeare Festival

Write Dirty to Me by Daniel Holloway, directed by Sharon Robinson

Sponge Theater

Red All Over by Bennett Fisher, directed by Rem Myers

The Visible Theater

Last Couples Therapy Session on Earth by William Bivins, directed by Jon Wai-keung Lowe


All Terrain Theater

Inexpressibly Blue by Nancy Cooper Frank, directed by Robert Estes

FaultLine Theater

Two Pigeons Talk Politics by Lauren Gunderson, directed by Maria Calderazzo & Maxx Kurzunski

New Conservatory Theatre Center

Babes by Michael Phillis, directed by Sara Staley

Playwrights Foundation

My Year by Megan Cohen, directed by Siobhan Marie Doherty

San Francisco Theater Pub

Shooter by Daniel Hirsch, directed by Rik Lopes

Tides Theatre

Break of Day by Jeff Carter, directed by Brian Trybom

Wily West Productions

3 Sisters Watching Three Sisters by Ignacio Zulueta, directed by Kat Kneisel

Okay, you got a lot of options going on, get out there and see some shows!!!

Babies the Ultimate Birth Control Rehearsal

Last night I was lucky enough to witness rehearsal for mine and Tracy Held Potter’s upcoming SF Fringe show BABIES, The Ultimate Birth Control! Lucky because I am busy now all the time.

It was SO good. It was SO funny! I can’t wait for the show opens on September 7th! Everyone will be rolling in their seats with laughter and then immediately stock piling condoms.

Here are all the dates and performances:

SATURDAY September 7 4:00 PM

SATURDAY September 14 9:00 PM

SUNDAY September 15 1:00 PM

TUESDAY September 17 9:00 PM

If I were you, I would buy my tickets ASAP! They’ll be going fast.

Tickets: http://www.brownpapertickets.com/event/390070